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Cookies Policy


As is common practice with almost all professional websites this website (www.atroxmarketing.com) uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve the interaction between yourself and the company.

Our Cookies Policy describes what information they gather, how the information is used and why the cookies are sometimes stored. The policy will also showcase how to disallow the usage of cookies, but that may cause problems in the interaction between yourself and the company.


The cookies used on our website are outlined below. As there is no industry stnadard for specific cookies used, it is important to review the cookies listed below to ensure you understand the origin of them.

In-House Cookies

In order to remeber your interaction with our cookies notification. This is to ensure all visitors of the website have been notified about these cookies on their first visit to the website.

Third-Party Cookies

Google Analytics is used on this website, which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web. The usage of Google Anayltyics is to allow for further understanding of how visitors engage with the site and how the site can be improved in the future. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site, the pages that you visit, and gather information to allow for pixel advertising so our company can reconnect with you via advertising in the future.

For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.


Hopefully that has clarified the usage of cookies on the website (www.atroxmarketing.com). If you are unsure the cookie is necessary or not, it is best to leave it enabled to allow for the best interaction experience between yourself and the company..

If you still wish for more informaiton, please contact us via our preferred method of contact listed below:

Atrox Marketing

Atrox Marketing assists in digitally marketing your business in an economically friendly way, while ensuring the reach excels past the industry standard.


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